The Law Of Attraction
I knew what I wanted, and here it is!
The Organic Hair Chair.
I fell in love with organic products about two years ago and slowly began to realize that my business vision was different than the salon I spent so much time in for the last few years. It was time to create something that in my mind was more of an organic concept all together. I loved my salon and all my coworkers and I had a great relationship with the salon owner, she was compassionate and supportive of whatever I thought I needed to do for myself and my business. After some deep personal conversation she eventually opened up and told me that she planned to close the salon and move into a space just for her. I couldn't blame her, she had a lot on her plate and I knew the business had to be a lot to handle. I knew big changes were coming and I knew I had to make some changes and fast.
I started looking for a location and the few places I looked at were just not it. I was bummed and overwhelmed and ready to just give up. I took a step back and just stopped thinking about it for a minute. I finished up some errands and was headed home and low and behold I saw my salon in the little office type building on a cold snowy day in January and said out loud "I'm going to work there". I quickly made a u-turn parked and peered in the window of a store front that I didn't even know was for rent! I called the only other business in the strip of offices and asked who the landlord was. I made and appointment to see the location on my next day off which was Saturday, the "snowmageddon" of 2017. Ed (the landlord) met me in the parking lot with the snow falling so beautifully and showed me the inside of the small little spot I thought I could afford, when I saw it I was disappointed at just how small it really was. Ed wanted me to see the larger, more expensive space even though I didn't think I could afford it. The entire 800 square feet of space was dark and cold and filled with all kinds of building supplies. It was basically a storage unit and I was IN LOVE, I saw its potential when I was peering in the window before the door was even open!
I didn't think I could afford it on my own; I was sacred but, I didn't have time to wonder anymore. The salon I had been working in for five years was closing and I had to do something fast! I bargained with Ed and signed a lease three days later. I talked with three of the other girls and they decided that with our salon closing it would be great if we could stay together. My girlfriend and I worked all night and all day for a little over two weeks or so and opened January 31, 2107. It was very bare at first but we had the necessities to be functional, and that was all that mattered.
Over the last few months the entire 800 square feet space has totally evolved into the perfect little organic oasis. I couldn't be more proud of myself for taking the leap and more thankful to my family for their support through a very eventful few months.
The moral of the story is.. the Law of Attraction is really a real thing! The Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. The first time I heard about this I thought ok this is some serious hippie nonsense and you are just crazy. Here I am with a beautiful salon that I cant wait to go to every day and do what I am truly most passionate about. I really wasn't ready but I made it work. I stopped wondering and took a leap, and man am I glad I did!